Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..." (Matthew 19:14)
Kids Avenue is our children’s ministry at Jefferson Avenue for ages newborn through 6th grade. We want our children to KNOW, LOVE, and SERVE Jesus Christ every day. Mark 12: 30-31 says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’"
Our goal as parents is to raise our children to be faithful servants in His Kingdom. Kids Avenue provides a place for children to come and learn more about Jesus, engage with other children, and form friendships that will last a lifetime.
Our goal as parents is to raise our children to be faithful servants in His Kingdom. Kids Avenue provides a place for children to come and learn more about Jesus, engage with other children, and form friendships that will last a lifetime.
Children's Coordinator
Sarah Burns - sarah@jacoc.org
Sarah joined our staff in October 2023. She and her husband Evan have three kids, Hazel, Henry, and Hudson. Sarah has served as a full time public school teacher. She currently runs interference for her hilarious husband, loves raising her children in the Lord's love, and does a great job with our Kids Avenue group.

Current & Upcoming Activities

Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes
Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes (L2L) is a leadership training program for our kids that teaches them how to use their spiritual gifts for the Lord. Throughout the year they practice leadership in acts of worship such as prayer, Bible reading, song leading, and public speaking. They also practice Christian service through things such as art, puppets, scrapbooking, and other activities. Each Easter, they gather with thousands of other children from all across the South at the L2L Convention in Nashville to demonstrate what they've learned. Members: For more information, connect with Jason Bennett or Bryan Liner via the JA App.
Bible Bowl
Each year our kids spend several months doing an in-depth study of a book of the Bible at home and together on Wednesday nights. The study culminates with an event in the Hooper Eblen Center at Tennessee Tech where hundreds of children gather to see how much they have learned. Members: For more information, connect with Ryan McQueen or BJ Sullivan via the JA App.
Thanks for a great 2024 Bible Bowl!